Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Edmonton, AB- With the start of the new school year in sight, parents shouldn’t be the only ones ‘hitting the books’ this fall. According to author C. Elizabeth, parents can set a great example by stocking up and fulfilling their own reading needs. Adults play a critical role in setting up their children for reading success, and it’s a role that Elizabeth doesn’t think should be taken lightly.

“We spend all this time thinking about what books our children need, that we forget about keeping up on our reading ourselves!” explains the author of Absolute Obsession, who takes fall’s arrival as an opportunity to stock up on her favourite writers. “After all, we set a great example for our kids when they see us enjoying reading. If you get excited about books, there’s a great chance your children will feed off of that.”

Elizabeth recommends making a trip to the bookstore a family affair; engendering a love of books starts by showing our children our own love of reading. She also feels that building up your own library is an invaluable lesson to youngsters with literary aspirations:

“It’s a great lesson for budding young writers. Writers write—but they also read. In fact, to be a really good writer, there’s nothing more important than reading voraciously yourself.”

C. Elizabeth is a Canadian romance author whose debut novel, Absolute Obsession, has repeatedly topped readers’ favourites lists. The second part of the ‘Absolute’ trilogy, Absolute Obstruction, will be released this fall. For more information about C. Elizabeth, or for purchasing information, please visit www.celizabeth.ca

To book an interview contact:
Rachel Sentes, Publicist

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