Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Why You Don’t Need to go Undercover to Know Something is Wrong With Your Business

Edmonton, AB- Now that the show Undercover Boss has hit the Canadian airways, one has to ask all business owners: when was the last time you touched base with your workforce to see how they’re doing?

“I find it amazing that a CEO has to dress up and pose as a new recruit in order to recognize that something isn’t working in their business. Just because your business is growing doesn’t mean that you can afford to be so disconnected from it that you don’t know what’s going on. If this does happen, it means that the business doesn’t have the right systems in place - that’s something that can be identified and fixed early on. No need for disguises,” says Greg Kopchuk, CEO of ActionCOACH Canada for British Columbia, Alberta, and Ontario.

Greg recommends the following tips to make sure that CEOs never lose that connection with their businesses, no matter how large they grow:

  • Initiate a REAL open-door policy with employees; make sure the lines of communication are open and that people feel they are being listened to.
  • Appreciate the effects your decisions will have on frontline customer service departments. Get their feedback on any new policies you implement and listen to them.
  • If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it. It’s easier said than done, but your employees will tell you if something is working well. LISTEN to them.
  • Set up weekly or monthly evaluations to fit into your 90-day business plans and address any issues that arise in all of your departments.
  • Make regular visits to each of your departments and franchises and meet face-to-face with employees. You don’t have to deal with the day-to-day problems or customers, but you do need to know and appreciate those people who are working to keep you in business.

ActionCOACH Canada is headed by Master Licensee Greg Kopchuk and consists of a team of expert business coaches in BC, AB and ON who work with emerging and established businesses. Working with an ActionCOACH Business Coach means that your business has a 97% chance of surviving in this fluctuating economy.

For more information visit or


To book an interview contact:
Rachel Sentes, publicist

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