Tuesday, November 01, 2011

Avoiding Christmas Chaos: Handbook Offers Solutions for Triple Taskers in a Busy World

Victoria, B.C- As the Christmas season starts blasting its way into our living rooms, stress levels will undoubtedly start rising as people look for money to buy that perfect gift. But author Leonne Wilson Jones is challenging people to take a different path this year, by discovering the simple luxuries around them to celebrate the season.

“We live in such a consumer-based society; it’s tough for people to embrace good times without spending a lot of money.  Our lives are so busy now, especially for people with children, jobs and households to manage. But in the end, spending all that money is going to be meaningless without people to share it with. I want people to define their own concept of luxury and embrace the value of time and creativity.

What do you think your kids or grandkids are going to remember: the box of chocolates you bought them, or the afternoon you took them skating, made snow angels and had hot chocolate?” asks Wilson Jones who polled friends and family on what their simple luxuries were, resulting in this bestselling book.

In Define Your Simple Luxuries- And Have the Life you’ve Always Wanted- Leonne outlines how families can save money while living well and celebrating life’s wonderful moments. Her book contains everything from organizing tips for around the house, to mealtime inspirations for the extremely busy household. Travelling this holiday season?  Her book also gives a comprehensive list of travel dos and don’ts and offers tips on how to be a good houseguest.

“This is the ultimate gift for the season- a handbook that caters to the triple-taskers, those who find it a challenge balancing everything in their life. With this book they’ll find tons of simple tips that will help them save time and money,” says Wilson Jones.

Leonne Wilson Jones was a lifestyle columnist in B.C and is currently writing the next book in the ‘Time Well Spent’ book series

For more information visit: www.timewellspentbooks.com


To book an interview contact
Rachel Sentes

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