Saturday, August 22, 2009

When your Writing is on a Roll

Don't you love it when your writing suddenly springs to life and you feel like you are on a roller coaster ride? Words, phrases, and sentences just burst forth and you get that feeling that nothing else matters. I was in that zone today and I have missed it so much. Lately I have spent so much time working on other people's manuscripts I forgot what it was like to actually be creative. My manuscripts have been languishing in my drawers, 4 novels, 1 creative non-fiction novel, and 3 short stories- and they haven't received any attention for over two months.

Well no more. From here on in I intend to keep this feeling going so that I can finally complete my work and hit all my goals. It's time to be selfish and make no apologies. And to all those that are looking for that feeling, sign up for this years 3 Day Novel Writing Contest- Only 50.00 bucks and you are guaranteed to get your work out of the gate and keep it humming. This will make my 5th time entering and it always gives me a rush. I might never win, but the experience alone is amazing.
To all the writers out there, when the moment hits- take it!!

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