Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Cigarette Smoking Man Brings Skeptic Slant to X-Files Roster at Fan Expo 2012

Toronto, ON One of the most recognized TV villains of recent history will be helping to round-out the X-Files contingency at this year’s highly-anticipated Fan Expo in Toronto. Veteran Canadian film and theatre actor William B. Davis, also known as the Cigarette Smoking Man, will be joining the illustrious list of science fiction genre artists in August 23-26. The announcement of his attendance has fans abuzz as ticket sales have been swift to meet the actor who played the infamous villain for nine years alongside fellow attendee Agent Dana Scully (Gillian Anderson).

But Davis brings an interesting twist to events—his appearance at the popular event will be in conjunction with the Ontario Centre for Inquiry (CFI). A non-profit organization dedicated to advancing critical thinking and scientific literacy across the country, the CFI focuses on a number of broad issue areas a key element of which is their examination of Pseudoscience, Paranormal, and Fringe-science claims. Davis will be giving a presentation entitled: The Truth is Out There…But Where? A look at the assumptions of the show, both explicit and implicit. How can we distinguish clear thinking from mystical thinking and can we do it in time to save human civilization?

It may initially seem like a strange fit but in fact, Davis has been a long-time skeptic and is a frequent guest speaker at skeptical conventions around the world. Davis talks about the experience of being a skeptic while working on one of the most popular science-fiction shows in history, “Fans often asked me about ufos or ghosts or other phenomena, even inviting me to share their experiences. They assumed I was doing the show because I shared these beliefs. I was doing the show because I am an actor it was great fiction.”

Davis will also be on site to promote his award winning autobiography, Where There’s Smoke…Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man. The book, outlining Davis’ storied career in theatre and film and television, has been extremely well-received and fans will be able to get autographed copies at the Expo.

For more information about William B Davis visit http://www.williambdavis.com/ or his facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/pages/William-B-Davis-Fan-Page/127796630628354

For more information about the Ontario Centre for Inquiry visit http://www.cficanada.ca/ontario/


To book an interview contact
Rachel Sentes, Publicist

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