Monday, April 02, 2012

What every parent should know about putting their child to bed

Winnipeg, MB- Everyone needs sleep, but for some parents it can be a tough road getting their child to get rest, and it’s most likely because they simply don’t know how to do it properly.

Baby sleep coach and Cheeky Chops consultant Nichola Mitchell can help to change all of that. As a former nanny with an honours degree in Psychology, she gives parents methods so that everyone can get a good night’s sleep.

“When you don’t sleep it can be torture for everyone involved- moms, dads and especially the children. It can be tough not having support, hearing conflicting advice and trying methods that just don’t work. We’ve become so used to pseudo connecting online for information that common sense seems to have slipped everyone’s mind. You may have 5,000 friends on facebook, but are they going to help you put your child to sleep? What I offer parents is support and help to discover the tools they need for a happy and less tired family!” says Mitchell.

Nichola offers of a few common sense bedtime tips to parents in need of some help
1. Always put your child down to sleep while still awake- it’s important so that they know when and where they should be sleeping

2. Get into a good bedtime routine and make sure you stick to it everyday.

3. Don’t break your routine on weekends no matter how tempted you are. When a child is  being shown how to go to bed and sleep properly, you need to reinforce that routine every single day.

4. Be in tune with your child. If something is bothering them talk to them after dinner as opposed to near bedtime, so they won’t be kept up worrying.  

5. Maintain a good temperature in the room, not too hot or cold, and once they are sleeping resist opening the door to check on them when the hall light is on- it can jar them awake.

“It all sounds very simple, but you would be surprised how our busy lives affect getting children to sleep properly. I want parents to know that it’s okay for them to get some advice and coaching so that everyone can be at their best,” says Mitchell.

Dawnn Whittaker is the founder of Cheeky Chops Consulting in B.C and Nichola Mitchell is a trained consultant for the business working in Winnipeg. She has 18 years of childcare experience as both a nanny and more recently in youth crisis counseling. She has an Honors Degree in Psychology and a Post Grad in child and youth mental health. She is the mother of two boys.
For more information about Cheeky Chops Consulting visit:


To book an interview contact
Rachel Sentes, Publicist

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