Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Mobilizing to Embrace Food Sustainability this Earth Day

Saskatoon, SK- Another Earth Day is approaching, and the theme for Earth Day 2012 is “Mobilize the Earth,” and is a call to action for everyone concerned with the future of the planet. For some people the concept of ‘mobilizing’ to help the environment seems too daunting. But author and organic farmer Beate Epp believes that one of the most effect ways to help the environment is also one of the simplest, because it involves something we all do at least three times a day: eat.

As an organic farmer Epp is well aware of impact that choosing to eat sustainability can have. She’s also eager to share the knowledge she’s gained about the importance of thinking about the food you put on your plate and in your body.

“The way we eat really does make a difference to the environment. There’s no question anymore that just choosing to eat locally and organically has a measurable impact on global warming,” explains the author of the children’s book The Magical Horses, which provides young readers with recipes that embrace the tenets of sustainable eating.

The benefits for health are also clear to Epp, “Food that has just been harvested and doesn’t have to travel thousands of miles to get to your plate hasn’t lost its nutritional content, and doesn’t have to be sprayed with pesticides for preservation. I would love to see people mobilize to change their eating habits this April 22nd.”

Beate Epp blogs about her approach to food and sustainable eating. Her work as an artist and author encourages a stronger understanding of our relationship with nature and the environment. For more information about Beate and her book, The Magical Horses, visit or


To book an interview contact:
Rachel Sentes, Publicist

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