With all the
research that I do on publicity and
social media, I realized that I was committing a cardinal sin on my blog. I was reprinting articles for the sake of saving time, but not actually giving my thoughts to them. That's the whole point of a blog. So many people find me and my
business through my blog that I really should be a little more aware of the social aspect of this site. I have my
website to update and talk about articles- and it's fine to reprint them here, but I really shouldn't be afraid to weigh in with my opinion.
I'm not going to lose business because of it.
In fact, if anyone goes to my website, they'll see that both my associate Brian and I are pretty laid back but very blunt people when it comes to criticizing modes of publishing books, agents, and our writing services.
I am a book publicist. It's what I love to do. I am also a business publicist. I love working in the field of
media, and hearing the viewpoints of everyone. So from here on it, this blog will now be used for my thoughts. Without a filter. Like it or lump it!
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